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SolarGo2 12W Solar Charger Including Controller
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12W Solar Charger Including Controller

12W solar panel including controller

See also: 110W Fold Up Solar Panel With Controller

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  • Description
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Welcome to our smallest portable solar panel the 12W. Its build is based on our larger 110W semi flexible solar panel.

This panel, like the rest of our SolarGo2 panels, is built to last with a strong ETFE front and back face with an integral Fibre board keeping everything together, A-Grade solar cells, built in cable with charge controller and 3 cabling options to connect to your car / motorbike / motorhome / boat / electric fence, make this a complete solar battery charging system.

Where this panel comes into its own is its ability to charge and keep charged engine starter batteries on cars, boats and motorbikes. Simply make sure the panel can see the sun and sky and connect it to the battery you need to charge or maintain.

An unbelievably easy way to keep the fine weather / weekend cars battery charged. No more disappointments of a flat battery when trying to start your engine when it’s been left for a few weeks / months.

SolarGo2 12W Solar Charger including controller
SolarGo2 12W Solar Charger Including Contro9ller

Our industry leading warranties are standard on our SolarGo2 portable Flexi solar panel giving you real peace of mind with your SolarGo2 solar panel.

This 12W panel is designed to be outside and work in all weather conditions, providing you with various amounts of power throughout the year depending on the weather conditions and the time of year but, as an example, we would say it will give you an average of around 3.66Ah (72Wh) per day in the summer in the UK and 0.48Ah (9.6Wh) per day in the winter.

Unsure if this is the correct panel for you? Call us on 01684 607002 for some friendly help and advice.

Why aren’t my lights on the controller staying on like the instructions state?

When you first connect the 12w solar panel to your battery, the inbuilt charge controller LED`s will flash and indicate the state of the battery. It will then automatically turn off the LED battery indicator. The solar panel and controller will continue to work if the solar panel is exposed to natural daylight.

This is designed to maximise the amount of energy the solar panel can deliver to the battery. The battery indicator will show the battery state if the solar panel is either disconnected / reconnected or covered / uncovered.

Even though the battery indicator LED`s are not illuminated, the solar panel and charge controller will continue to work if connected to the battery.

Electrical Characteristics
Type Monocrystalline (A Grade, 158.75mm, High efficiency)
Peak power (Pmax) 12W
Power tolerance range (%) ±3%
Open circuit voltage / Voc (V) 23.1v DC
Max. power voltage / Vmp (V) 19.8v DC
Short circuit current / Isc (A) 0.64A
Max power current / Imp (A) 0.61A
Maximum System Voltage (V) 200V DC
Above Specification at standard test conditions(STC):1000W/㎡, cell temperature 25°C, AM1.5
Panel Info
Part number SPFC12
Power 12Wp
Cable type twin Red / Black (UV stable) 22AWG
Cable length 2.3M (on panel) 0.6M (on conection option)
Frame Material N/A
Face material ETFE
Dimensions (mm) 223 x 370 x 3mm
Performance UK weather (weather dependant)
Average expected winter ≈ 0.48A (9.6Wh) per day (0.8h)
Average expected Summer ≈ 3.66A (72Wh) per day (6h)
Product construction 1 Year


View: SolarGo2 12W Solar Charger including controller Brochure (PDF)

Download: SolarGo2 12W Solar Charger including controller Brochure (PDF)


View: SolarGo2 12W Solar Charger including controller Datasheet (PDF)

Download: SolarGo2 12W Solar Charger including controller Datasheet (PDF)


View: SolarGo2 12W Solar Charger including controller Instructions (PDF)

Download: SolarGo2 12W Solar Charger including controller Instructions (PDF)

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